Closed vs Open Rhinoplasty

Chirurgie esthétique

  10.10.2014 - 11.10.2014

     Palazzo Municipale di Salò, Lungolago Zanardelli 52, Salò,

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LIVE SURGERY | Similar cases solved with different approaches | The Big Challenge: a very special Rhinoplasty meeting.

Closed vs Open Rhinoplasty

The two teams:

For the “Open Approach”:
Nazim Cerkes, Olivier Gerbault, Wolfgang Gubisch, José Palacin, Sebastiano Sciuto

For the “Closed Approach”:
Giovanni Botti, Pietro Palma, Mario Pelle, Yves Saban, Alberto Scattolin

Lieu du déroulement


Lungolago Zanardelli 52
25087 Salò


Discussion sur le thème

MZ Congressi srl
Via C. Farini, 81
20159 Milano
pages Web de l'organisateur
Langues oficielles de l´événement
  • English
  • Chirurgie esthétique